Social Media

Critical Refletion on How Social Media Affecting Your Lives

Social media are online communications in which individuals shift fluidly and flexibly between the role of audience and author. To do this, they use social software that enables anyone without knowledge of coding, to post, comment on, share or mash up content and to form communities around shared interest.

From my own experience, I think social media affect people in many ways. As for me, I didn't have the ability to communicate with people fluently and by using social media I can develop my social interaction among the people in the same social network as I am. The development in social media enhance the speed in communication so it makes a lot easier for me to get more information in the fastest way. This interaction depends on varied perspective among the communities, based on the perspective I can create a better understanding on the presented information.

However, social media also promotes some negative influences in society. As you all know one of the most important aspect of social media is the content that is generated by the user that blends with intellectual discussion, and when there is a discussion there will be some disagreement. People can show their disagreement towards the content because that is what a discussion is all about but they have to express it in the right way. Some of the user like to use harsh words to show their disagreement and this will bring a negative impact on the social relationship among the communities. I have gone through this situation and I was the one who got the terrible feedback from some of the user.

Personal Reflection on Media Culture Class

I think Media Culture Class is important to me because I learn more about the history of media from this class and the importance of media in daily lives.


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