With your own relevant examples, answer these questions:
1) What kind of culture influences through technology can you see from today’s world?
2) Is there a possibility to reshape the (new) culture today via new technology, How?

Media Imperialism

How do you relate the information given to you in the documentary entitled "The Power of Nightmares-Part 3" to the theory of Media Imperialism?

Media imperialism means that someone or a group of people manipulating the media to attract or influence other people to do something that they wanted them to do. This is a power if they misused the it, it will only cause chaotic situation. Media imperialism also apply in the government conspiracy. The politician used this kind of dirty trick to pull an action. For example in the documentary video “The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 - Shadow in the Cave)" George Bush blindly takes action on the people who that he assumed to be terrorist to be caught. It’s all about one thinking then he apply the media imperialism to make his assumption become true but it’s not actually. The news also had been manipulated by the government for example the tragedies of September 11 the media told the world that terrorist did the plane crash but after that there was many doubt about the explosion some says it was government conspiracy.This is how the media imperialism works and it sort of like a mind control mechanism that tricks our mind into believing something that is not true.

Personal Reflection

This session of media lecture expose the most greatest power of media which can cause a massive chaotic situation in our society, and it is terrifying to know the truth behind about media imperialism.

Mcluhan created the tetrad of media. As you can see in the above diagram there is 4 human action that affected the medium of the media which is enhances, reverses, retrieves and obsolesces. There are many type of medium but I’ll just elaborate about the cell phone. Nowadays , cell phones are widely used ,it’s convenient to bring them anywhere because of the size and wireless system. This will enhances how fast people get connected to each other just by calling or sms (short messaging system). Primitive or old way of communication will no longer being used such as carrier pigeon , heliographs , smoke signal and telegraph and maybe in the future people will stop sending letters. Cell phone probably gain a wide connection with many people and easily information can be inquire. In the future maybe people will not see each other face to face because of the cell phone and they will prefer to stay at home and make a video call.

Personal Reflection

This weeks lecture talks about the effect of media on human using the McLuhan's Tetrad of Media.

Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency: What are the difference between these terms?

Obscenity, pornography and indecency are three different things that relate to each other. Pornography is a type of media that visualize a sexual subject matter with a sole intention of sexually exciting the viewers. Pornography can use any media as a medium to distribute the content, for example video, drawing, photo and many more. Obscenity on the other hand is a way to describe sex in words or act. Some people like to express their sexual feeling through action or sensual movement to attract others. Indecency is to display some part of our body by means to look sexy and attractive. Indecency is also an appearance that is not suitable for public viewing, as it develop sexual feeling among the viewers.

Media help to distribute all the sexual content to the public, as a result people will be socially affected with sexual aspect regardless their age and gender. People also develop their sex desire and sometimes it can be dangerous to the society when they cannot control their sexual desire.

Personal Reflection On Media Culture Class

I think the topic given is very interesting and easy to elaborate. There are to many example that we can relate to this topic from our own surroundings.