Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency: What are the difference between these terms?

Obscenity, pornography and indecency are three different things that relate to each other. Pornography is a type of media that visualize a sexual subject matter with a sole intention of sexually exciting the viewers. Pornography can use any media as a medium to distribute the content, for example video, drawing, photo and many more. Obscenity on the other hand is a way to describe sex in words or act. Some people like to express their sexual feeling through action or sensual movement to attract others. Indecency is to display some part of our body by means to look sexy and attractive. Indecency is also an appearance that is not suitable for public viewing, as it develop sexual feeling among the viewers.

Media help to distribute all the sexual content to the public, as a result people will be socially affected with sexual aspect regardless their age and gender. People also develop their sex desire and sometimes it can be dangerous to the society when they cannot control their sexual desire.

Personal Reflection On Media Culture Class

I think the topic given is very interesting and easy to elaborate. There are to many example that we can relate to this topic from our own surroundings.